Teachers Assn. joins union effort to educate about threatened federal funds


Puerto Rico Teachers Association (AMPR by its initials in Spanish) President Víctor Manuel Bonilla Sánchez announced Tuesday that the AMPR has joined the initiative of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the American Federation of Labor (AFL-CIO), to carry out an orientation campaign on the consequences of eliminating funds from the federal Department of Education, which President Donald Trump is seeking to eliminate.

“We are joining this event to raise awareness about the devastating effects of President Donald Trump’s plans for the federal Department of Education and to exert pressure at the same time so that our local officials demand that federal funds for public education not be limited,” Bonilla Sánchez said at a press conference. “With this event we are joining the Day of Action to Protect our Children, organized by the AFT …, an orientation exercise for the entire school community.”

The AMPR president continued: “As we all know, … Trump has expressed the intention of eliminating the federal Department of Education of the United States and cutting federal funds for public education. If this assault on public education is carried out, the education and programs offered to millions of students throughout the North American nation, including Puerto Rico, would be at risk.”

Bonilla Sánchez added that 50% of the island Department of Education’s budget comes from federal funds.

The union leader pointed out that while eliminating the federal Department of Education requires approval from Congress, the president can cut its funds.

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