Cataño reaches 99% of alleged recovery finds


The Municipality of Cataño has reached 99.25 percent in the execution of the funds allocated for recovery projects according to the Recovery and Execution Index published by the Central Office of Recovery, Reconstruction, and Resilience of Puerto Rico (COR3) transparency portal for the first quarter of 2024, the agency said last week.

The index ranks Cataño as the Top Performer, or the number one position among all municipalities, in project execution.

“In Cataño, we have put all our efforts, knowledge and expert personnel to manage the efficient execution of federally funded projects,” Mayor Julio Alicea Vasallo said in a written statement. “This achievement demonstrates our work and commitment to the full recovery of our people in these past 25 months of our administration.”

The municipality has received a total of $25.1 million for permanent recovery projects. Of this amount, $9.8 million is in the bidding stage, $9.4 million in the construction stage, and $5.0 million in the design stage. In addition, a total of $636,097 in projects has been completed, and $219,919 remains in the planning stage.

“Among the upcoming projects financed with federal funds from the recovery from Hurricane Maria are: improvements to the CDT Job Andújar and different sports facilities. In addition, we hope to advance in the construction of: La Esperanza Park, improvements to different municipal buildings and repairs and improvements to Cosme Beitía Coliseum for this year,” the mayor said. “These projects are only funded by Hurricane Maria recovery, but the municipality is also in the process of other important works and initiatives financed with other funds, including federal and state.”

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