Senate confirms public housing administrator, other executive branch posts


The island Senate on Thursday confirmed Juan A. Rosario Hernández as public housing administrator, Josué Iván Piñeiro Torres as Firefighters Bureau commissioner, and Ángel Cruz Nolasco as commissioner of the Bureau of Transit and Other Public Services.

The Security and Veterans Affairs Committee, chaired by New Progressive Party Majority Leader Gregorio Matías Rosario, gave positive reports for both commissioners, as Piñeiro Torres and Cruz Nolasco were confirmed unanimously.

In Piñeiro Torres’ case, the Senate committee report noted that “the professional history of the nominee with more than 29 years of experience in public service, specifically in the Puerto Rico Fire Department, demonstrated a high level of ability, dedication and commitment to said agency.”

The Senate approved the appointment of Rosario Hernández to head the Public Housing Administration (AVP by its initials in Spanish) with votes against from the Puerto Rican Independence Party delegation.

Senate Housing and Social Welfare Committee Chairman Jamie Barlucea Maldonado noted that it is necessary for the AVP and the island Housing Department to work as a team amid a housing crisis in Puerto Rico.

“We know that there are no magic solutions, but we know that real solutions can be achieved,” he said, “if there is will from all parties. And I am sure that both our secretary of housing and the public housing administrator have that will to work as a team and address the housing issue and improve the quality of life of Puerto Ricans.”

Additionally, Edison Avilés Deliz was confirmed as chairman of the Public Service Regulatory Board for a new term, and Dr. Carlos Rodríguez Mateo was confirmed as a member of the Health Insurance Administration board of directors, representing the beneficiaries of hospital medical insurance.

Senate President Thomas Rivera Schatz anticipated that next Saturday, Judge Anthony Cuevas will be evaluated in a public hearing, as a re-nominee, along with attorney Luis Vega as a new appointment as superior judge, and attorney Juan Ramos, a prosecutor, on promotion to the position of district attorney, along with several other judicial system nominees.

Likewise, on March 1, the appointments of the secretary of correction and rehabilitation (Francisco Quiñones), director of the Office for Economic and Community Development (Astrid Piñeiro), justice secretary (Janet Parra Mercado), 911 Emergency System Bureau director (José Reyes), and solicitor general (Omar Andino), will be take up.

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