Irregularities at NMEAD regional offices identified by OIG


The Puerto Rico Inspector General’s Office (OIG) identified irregularities in the use of official vehicles, attendance records and management of personnel files in the regional offices of the Bureau for Emergency Management and Disaster Administration (NMEAD by its acronym in Spanish), according to an investigation published Wednesday.

The findings include unauthorized use of official vehicles outside of work hours, resulting in questionable expenditure of public funds. There were also inconsistencies in vehicle logs and evidence that some employees did not return cars to official premises at the end of their shift.

In addition, the OIG reported deficiencies in personnel records management, such as the absence of updated performance evaluations and job descriptions. Official documents were also found to be stored in a disorganized manner and in conditions that jeopardized the confidentiality of the information.

Other allegations include the practice of the NMEAD director in the Mayagüez Zone of sharing his access password to the “Kronos” assistance system and his email account with unauthorized employees.

As a result of the investigation, the OIG filed an administrative complaint and issued recommendations to strengthen control and oversight of public resources at NMEAD.

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