Dignity Project files lawsuit against SEC regarding office closures and dismissals


The conservative political entity known as Dignity Project has initiated legal action against the State Elections Commission (SEC) for closing its offices.

As of Tuesday, the SEC dismissed 11 employees and party representatives and mandated the office’s closure starting January 13.

According to Article 3.10 of Puerto Rico’s electoral legislation, appointments made by political parties expire on June 30 of the year following an election, provided the party maintains its electoral franchise.

The Dignity Project managed to keep its electoral franchise due to the performance of its candidates in the general elections held in November.

“On December 30, we initiated a lawsuit to protect our rights and to request both a temporary and permanent injunction to safeguard the rights of the many voters who supported us,” stated Juan Frontera Suau, Vice President of the Dignity Project.

The party argues that the SEC is unfairly targeting and treating the Dignity Project differently than other political parties.

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