SEC has not yet addressed the complaint questioning the legality of the PIP-MVC Alliance.

SEC has not yet addressed the complaint questioning the legality of the PIP-MVC Alliance.

From The Star Staff

The State Elections Commission (SEC) has yet to review a grievance raised against the Alliance (Alianza de País) that was established by the Puerto Rican Independence Party (PIP) and the Citizen Victory Movement (MVC). This grievance was filed by pro-statehood attorney Gregorio Igartúa over 40 days ago, claiming that the agreement between these political parties to “swap votes among candidates” breaches both local and federal statutes.

Igartúa declared on Sunday that he has not received any information regarding the SEC’s lack of action, aside from a note stating it remains unexamined. The SEC has not responded to requests for a statement.

The lawyer from Aguadilla lodged the complaint in September, questioning the legitimacy of the Alliance and labeling it a scheme aimed at violating electoral regulations and undermining voters through misleading claims.

“This tactic is not just confined to high electoral positions but extends to candidates at various lower political tiers,” Igartúa remarked. “Take, for example, the MVC backing PIP’s Juan Dalmau for governor in return for his party supporting the MVC candidate for resident commissioner, Senator Ana I. Rivera Lassén.”

The grievance comprised promotional material directing voters on their voting for the Alliance.

MVC and PIP leaders contend that the Alliance operates constitutionally under the umbrella of First Amendment rights to free speech.

“Nevertheless, this isn’t merely free speech from the candidates,” Igartúa asserted. “There are limits, particularly when, as seen in this instance, actions impede other constitutional rights. The Alliance constitutes a breach of the equal protection under the laws and the due process rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution.”

“When accounting for the political harm inflicted on candidates from opposing parties who do not engage in collusion, the equal protection of the laws and their due process rights are jeopardized as a consequence of the illegal pact between the PIP and MVC leaders, representing political maneuvering to offer a skewed advantage to their candidates,” he stated in the grievance.

Igartúa further noted that the Alliance presents a deceitful strategy regarding the allocation of public funds, as each party independently receives state support through a false portrayal of having engaged in collusion with a quid pro quo agreement regarding their candidates.

“They instigate and gain a political-financial edge over the other parties,” he concluded.

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