Governor approves multiple mental health legislations

Governor approves multiple mental health legislations

Reported by The Star Staff

Governor Pedro Pierluisi enacted several legislative initiatives late last week aimed at enhancing protocols in mental health situations and protection orders, aligning the laws with the current needs for security and welfare.

Included in the approved measures is House Bill 1672, which permits the electronic submission of requests for temporary detention in mental health scenarios and enables remote handling through videoconference. “This legislation ensures that urgent requests are addressed promptly and efficiently,” Pierluisi stated in an official release.

Additionally, the governor signed House Bill 1779, mandating individuals subject to a protection order to inform the police of their arrival in Puerto Rico within the initial two hours. Failing to adhere to this obligation will be deemed a misdemeanor.

Another approved measure is House Bill 1995, which broadens pension benefits for disability or death incurred in the line of duty for workers within the Emergency Management Bureau and Municipal Emergency Management Offices.

Lastly, Pierluisi enacted House Bill 1243, which categorizes the unauthorized use of technology to surveil individuals as a serious offense, thereby safeguarding victims of stalking and gender-based violence.

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