PIP-MVC Alliance suggests abolishing the fiscal board & tackling corruption

PIP-MVC Alliance suggests abolishing the fiscal board & tackling corruption

Reported by The Star Team

On Wednesday, the “Alliance” formed by the Puerto Rican Independence Party (PIP) and the Citizen Victory Movement (MVC) unveiled their shared programmatic goals, which are intended as a foundation for a potential collaborative government.

The agenda addresses key priorities including corruption, energy systems, healthcare, education, environmental concerns, and sustainable economic growth.

“The PIP and the Citizen Victory Movement have pinpointed numerous shared elements in their governance plans to address the demands of Puerto Rico’s populace, emphasizing the promotion and safeguarding of human rights,” stated attorney Juan Dalmau Ramírez, the Alliance’s gubernatorial candidate, in a statement.

“These collective visions have been grouped into ten proposals that both parties, along with various civil society sectors, are dedicated to,” Dalmau continued. “We must guide the government towards a new direction characterized by integrity and effectiveness.”

Ana Irma Rivera Lassén, the Alliance’s candidate for resident commissioner, highlighted that the government agenda being introduced marks merely the start of the Alliance’s propositions for the upcoming four years.

“Our foundation lies in solidarity and inclusivity, crafting tangible proposals aimed at achieving sustainable economic progress for Puerto Rico while protecting both the environment and human rights,” she remarked.

The Alliance emphasized that its public policies will concentrate on fostering a fully democratic government that upholds human rights and meets the people’s needs. Key initiatives include tackling corruption, terminating the LUMA and Genera PR contracts within the energy sector, and instituting a universal healthcare system.

“Revitalizing the energy system is our foremost priority,” Dalmau highlighted. “We aim to reclaim control of the energy infrastructure for the residents of Puerto Rico, centered on transparency, democratic involvement, and renewable resources.”

He also affirmed that the Alliance will advocate for dismantling the Financial Oversight and Management Board while promoting a “just and sustainable” economic model.

Rivera Lassén reaffirmed the Alliance’s dedication to public education and the protection of human rights, urging cohesion to create an equitable future for Puerto Rico.

By admin

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