Intense heat at Vega Baja high school ignites protest

Intense heat at Vega Baja high school ignites protest


On Tuesday morning, students, parents, and educators at Lino Padrón Rivera High School rallied against the excessively hot conditions they endure every day, which they claim obstruct the educational process.

The facility lacks air conditioning, which has yet to be operational despite having been installed a year prior.

“The installation of air conditioning is essential for providing a suitable learning atmosphere,” stated teacher Eduardo Arce.

The demonstrators recognized the commitment of the school’s principal, Joel Nieves Cardona, who has reached out to the island Department of Education to finalize the electrical setup needed to activate the units. Another educator, Carlos González, pointed out that $32,000 is required for the Office for School Improvement to complete the wiring.

Student Gabriel Figueroa emphasized that the study conditions are equally challenging for both students and teachers, exacerbated by the high temperatures in Vega Baja.

Parents also urged for the refurbishment of the school’s sports field and the installation of air conditioning in the auditorium and library.

By admin

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