Iranian Campaign Leverages Puerto Rico, Israel Matters to Shape U.S. Dialogue

Iran has recently garnered attention as the latest foreign government attempting to sway U.S. politics through emotionally provocative “news” websites. The Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) identified approximately twenty Iranian-backed sites that masquerade as independent news sources while striving to impact and even distort U.S. political conversations.

The FDD reports that these sites utilize shared servers and common patterns for creating email accounts, among other signs indicating collective ownership.

Some of the sites lean left and others right, yet all concentrate on political viewpoints concerning contentious and emotional issues, such as the status of Puerto Rico and conflicts in the Middle East. Each site expresses criticism of the United States and relies significantly on passionate portrayals of misleading and inaccurate information.

Iran’s Impact on Discussions Regarding Puerto Rico

A site called AfroMajority featured an article titled “Condemning a History of Injustice: The Justice Department’s Repudiation of Racist Supreme Court Rulings” categorized under “Racism.” The piece asserts, “In a groundbreaking move that marks a significant step towards rectifying a dark chapter in American legal history,” and continues, “the Justice Department has revealed plans to denounce a series of racist Supreme Court decisions from a century ago that perpetuated the systemic marginalization of individuals living in U.S. territories.”

Indeed, the Department of Justice did issue a letter criticizing the early 20th-century Supreme Court outcomes in the Insular Cases; however, concern surrounding the Insular Cases has lingered in the U.S. for many years, and the Justice Department’s stance on the issue was already well known. Previous legal admissions clarified that the Insular Cases harbor reasoning and language that are “obviously anathema,” “indefensible and discredited,” using “racist stereotypes” that are “indefensible and repugnant.” While the letter may provide some reassurance, it cannot legitimately be described as a “groundbreaking move,” newly “unveiled plans,” or “a significant step towards rectifying” this dark segment of U.S. legal history.

The sensational nature of the Iranian coverage raises questions about what the foreign nation aims to achieve and the likelihood of influencing or manipulating Americans through their campaign.

U.S. Justice Department Condemns Insular Cases

Another platform, EvenPolitics, published “Puerto Ricans Are Calling for Change,” a pro-independence article fraught with factual inaccuracies, including a misleading assertion that the Government Accountability Office (GAO) indicated that statehood would be detrimental to Puerto Rico’s economy. As previously noted, the GAO did produce a report evaluating the implications of statehood but explicitly stated at the outset that it would not offer policy recommendations. Its aim was purely to assess how the Federal budget might have differed in a recent year if Puerto Rico had been a State.

The GAO report actually concluded that statehood could result in billions of dollars annually for Puerto Rico — as well as for individual Puerto Ricans — but also billions benefitting the Federal treasury.

What Did the GAO Say about Statehood?

Numerous claims on the Iran-affiliated “news” platforms, like EvenPolitics’ assertions that surveys indicate Puerto Rican voters favor independence and “the PIP is the ideological group in Puerto Rico that has reliably raised funds more than some other party,” are simply incorrect. An analysis by the Centro de Periodismo Investigativo determined that the PIP received the least funding among political entities, while recent polls reveal that 73% of voters prefer statehood over independence. The factual inaccuracies in these propaganda sites are easily debunked, yet many readers do not take the initiative to seek trustworthy information when presented with an emotionally charged opinion piece.

What’s the Objective?

Why would Iran seek to influence American perspectives on Puerto Rico? Microsoft has reported that such websites aim to “stir up controversy or manipulate voters,” with future ambitions including “activities that are even more extreme, such as intimidation or inciting violence against political figures or groups,” ultimately striving to incite chaos, undermine authority, and create skepticism about electoral integrity.

Their report discusses how Iranian entities attempted to provoke discord and create mistrust in electoral legitimacy during 2020. By creating seemingly legitimate news and information sites ahead of national elections, these groups aim to sway – or manipulate – voters and the tone of U.S. discussions.

These sites also express support for anti-Israel protests on campuses and, according to the FDD’s analysis, criticize Israel, the United States, and Saudi Arabia while praising Iranian terrorist organizations like Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis.

Why Focus on Puerto Rico?

The political status of Puerto Rico is a highly charged topic with the potential to become divisive. Many Americans increasingly recognize Puerto Rico’s colonial relationship with the United States and the inequities faced by its residents. Efforts to respond to these issues in ways that breed further division, even violence, are disruptive to U.S. democracy. The Iranian strategy seems designed to provoke such reactions.

“Disinformation actors employ a variety of strategies,” states the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. “Each of these strategies is made to enhance the credibility of disinformation actors’ messages or manipulate their audience towards a particular goal. They often aim to polarize their target audience around contentious political or social divides, making them more receptive to disinformation.”

Iran has officially called for Puerto Rico’s independence at the United Nations, suggesting these websites may aim to bolster this result, influencing U.S. opinion to align more with the Iranian stance while broadly interfering in U.S. political discussions.

Cuba, Iran, Venezuela Call for Puerto Rico Independence


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