Feds hold off on removing cats from Old City historic site while awaiting suit results

Feds hold off on removing cats from Old City historic site while awaiting suit results


Alley Cat Allies has proclaimed a significant triumph in safeguarding “community” cats residing at the San Juan National Historic Site.

The organization disclosed that its legal initiatives have prompted the United States National Park Service (NPS) to agree to suspend actions aimed at removing and euthanizing the cats living in the historic area beginning Oct. 1.

“This victory is a pivotal moment, as Alley Cat Allies has thwarted the NPS’ reckless and inhumane plans to commence removal and killing of these cats on October 1. Still, the lives of the cats are in jeopardy unless the plan is annulled permanently,” expressed Yonaton Aronoff, a lawyer for Alley Cat Allies. “Alley Cat Allies will persist in its fight until that is achieved, for the welfare of the cats and the numerous Puerto Rico residents and advocates globally who have voiced their support for them.”

Alley Cat Allies had filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia to impede the NPS’ scheme to remove the cats, claiming it breaches the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). In August, Alley Cat Allies requested an injunction against the NPS to avert its planned actions commencing Oct. 1. Ultimately, the NPS conceded to Alley Cat Allies’ demands, which include halting the removal efforts until the court assesses the legality of the NPS strategy.

Following the NPS’ agreement to pause, the legal proceedings are shifting into a fast-tracked briefing schedule, with a ruling anticipated in early 2025. Alley Cat Allies indicated its readiness to battle tenaciously until the NPS completely renounces its inhumane and unlawful intentions.

For generations, community cats have thrived alongside the rugged coastline of San Juan’s picturesque Paseo Del Morro, part of the San Juan National Historic Site. They are beloved by both locals and visitors and are an integral aspect of Puerto Rican culture, the organization stated this week.

Alley Cat Allies argues that the removal and killing of the cats overlooks the intrinsic worth of their lives; the sentiments of the San Juan community; and the established humane, effective practice for managing community cat populations: Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR).

Currently, Alley Cat Allies emphasized, the community cats of the Paseo del Morro are secure, but their future is precarious. The NPS has demonstrated its intent to pursue a cruel and inhumane plan, and without sustained advocacy, the cats remain at serious risk, the organization cautioned.

Alley Cat Allies (www.alleycat.org) is urging advocates worldwide to continue raising their voices in favor of Puerto Rico’s cats and against the NPS’ initiative to eliminate them.

By admin

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