Terrorist Organization threatens to sabotage PR’s electrical system

Federal Authorities in Alert – Since Tuesday, November 22, both state security agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) were alerted to the call received at the New York’s 9-1-1 system on the alleged threats of sabotage to the island’s electrical system.

The secretary of the Department of Public Safety (DSP), Alexis Torres, said Monday that the New York City police channeled the information to Puerto Rico and followed the protocols of understanding between federal agencies. He did not specify whether the veracity of the threat, so as not to affect the investigations that are being carried out to find the person who made it.

The Police Bureau had issued an alert for the patrolmen to give preventive surveillance to the LUMA Energy facilities, after the New York City 9-1-1 system received a call from a supposed terrorist organization identified as the Group of Europe, warning that “all the pipes of the electrical system will explode”.

The patrolmen who have been providing service since Thursday, have to file a complaint from another service, every time they pass through the facilities such as offices and substations, to corroborate that the orders to provide preventive surveillance were fulfilled, days before the expiration of the multi-million dollar supplemental contract between the government and LUMA Energy.

Preventive surveillance continued today Monday.

Until today morning, the Police had not received other threats or acts of sabotage in the electrical installations.

The decision to extend the contract is in the hands of La Fortaleza, and LUMA Energy could reject any change in what has been stipulated to date.

By admin

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