The FBI takes on WhiteFish Energy

The FBI has begun investigating the WhiteFish Energy and PREPA case.

An FBI spokeswoman in Washington told the press today that any investigation into the matter, if it is under way, should have initiated in San Juan.

For his part, Governor Ricardo Rossello today welcomed any investigation conducted by the federal agency into Whitefish Energy.

“They have not informed us of an FBI investigation, but I welcome any investigation by any external entity,” the governor told in a press conference.

Last week, Puerto Rican Democratic Congressman Luis Gutiérrez (Illinois) petitioned the US Department of Justice and the FBI to investigate the Whitefish contract, given the political connections and the little experience of the Montana company.

“Something smells fishy about Whitefish,” Gutiérrez implied at the time.

On Sunday Oct. 29th, Governor Ricardo Rosselló requested the termination of the contract, which, according to his administration, was decided exclusively at the PREPA offices.

Whitefish is also being investigated by the Office of the Inspector General of the United States, the Office of the Comptroller and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA, for its acronym in English). The latter made it clear that it did not evaluate or endorse the contract as it had established in the contract.

By admin

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