900+ Bodies Cremated from “Natural Deaths”

After many rumors that the local government was not reporting hundreds of deaths related to Hurricane Maria, The Secretary of the Department of Public Security, Héctor M. Pesquera, clarified that the Forensic Science Bureau authorized in the period from September 20 to October 18, 2017 a total of 911 cremations of “natural deaths”.

“The Bureau of Forensic Sciences by law must authorize all cremations requested by the relatives of the deceased. In this process, several documents, including the death certificate, ballot, medical records or document certifying and evidencing the circumstances of the death, are analyzed, and the form filled up by the relative requesting the cremation and also establishing if he/she agrees or disagrees with the circumstances of death, “said the official.

In this sense, the 911 authorizations of cremation issued by the the Forensic Science Bureau, at the dates previously established, are natural deaths that at the time of evaluation did not present suspicion that would stop the requested process.

On the other hand, Secretary Pesquera pointed out that to date, deaths related to Hurricane Maria remain at 51, even though rumors and hospital staff from several institutions reassure the number is at least ten times the reported amount.

By admin

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