Video: Frightened passengers on NY flight

Video filmed by a passenger: Several passengers of a new Jet Blue that was supposed to land at John F. Kennedy Airport (JFK) in New York, panicked after, due to weather conditions, the plane tried to land four times unsuccessfully.

The events occurred on Thursday, and it was flight 1852, which was scheduled to land at JFK from Cancun, Mexico.

Once close to JFK airport, the plane’s pilot tried to land several times (about 4) without success. The passengers realized the situation and panicked.

The flight was redirected to Newark Airport, where it was able to land safely, but the pilot apparently wanted to return to JFK and passengers began begging to be taken off the flight.

“We have to get off this plane, it’s dangerous. We’ve already tried to land four times. It’s dangerous. We’re afraid to fly. We want to get off,” a man said in a video posted on social media.

Other people alluded to the fact that their children, minors, were afraid of the situation and asked in the same way that they be taken off the plane.

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