Video: “Royal Rumble” at Puerto Rico Cockfight Arena

Caught on Video – A match in a cockfighting coliseum in the north of the island ended in a riot between the “galleros” who first shouted at the animals to fight and then at each other.

According to comments on the video on social media, it was a brawl at the “Los Muchachos” Coliseum, in Hatillo. A video of the incident shows different attacks, punches, kicks and slaps, while other people scream and try to stop the fight.

The fight was reported this past weekend, during the “Fire in the ring” event.

Cockfighting has been banned in the United States and Puerto Rico since December 2019, when the “Farm Bill” law that was signed by former President Donald Trump in 2018 came into effect. However, cockfighting has continued operations based on a local law signed by former Governor Wanda Vázquez to allow events for five years as long as there is no import and export of chickens and roosters for use in fights.

The incident is under investigation by the police.

Watch the video here (Violence Warning)

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