Russia could invade Ukraine in the next 24-48 hours

US media reported on Friday that Russia will launch an attack to invade Ukraine before the end of the 2022 Winter Olympics.

According to news sources familiar with the situation, the United States and its allies have obtained this new intelligence that suggests the invasion could happen sooner than originally reported.

Even earlier official reports from the US government had indicated that it was unlikely that the Russians would try to invade Ukraine after the Olympics were over – February 20th.

However, this new revelation comes after a number of US officials have issued warnings, in the last 24 hours, about the status of Ukraine.

For his part, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said today that a Russian invasion of Ukraine “could start at any time.” He also commented that, despite the fact that the Winter Olympics are taking place right now, the Joe Biden government continues to “see very worrying signs of a Russian escalation, including new forces arriving at the border with Ukraine.

Likewise, President Biden yesterday recommended to all US citizens who are in Ukraine to leave the country as soon as possible, as he argued that it is a complicated situation and that sending troops to guarantee the eviction of Americans could cause a “World War”.

“We are not dealing with a terrorist organization, but with one of the largest armies on the planet. It is a very different situation and they could quickly get complicated, “said the president.

According to news sources, Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, is among Russia’s capture targets. In addition, the media highlighted that the president of the United States was scheduled to make a call to NATO and European allies this morning about the latest intelligence information.

By admin

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