Xmas Shooting in a Loíza Caserío sparks controversy

The Puerto Rico Police assured that a video in which several people appear firing machine guns and high-caliber rifles on the premises of a residential complex in Loíza was recorded “some time ago.”

The expressions of the Police emerged today, after several videos generated great controversy during the past few days.

“It appears that the incident published on the social networks, in effect is not a recent one,” said the Police.

Despite this, the Police mobilized a team of agents this morning that included personnel from the Intelligence and Arrest units of the Carolina area and the Special Arrests of the San Juan area to the Yuquiyú public residence, where they say the video was recorded.

Likewise, the Police announced that “patrolling in the area will increase.” At the same time, it will implement “a plan to address situations that involve shooting into the air and the use of illegal fireworks.”

In the video you can see several people shooting in the air on the premises of the public housing complex. Decorations such as lights on various balconies and arches on the sidewalks suggest that the recording was made during the Christmas season.

The recording of the video is a mystery according to people on social media, where mixed feelings and opinions collide.

Watch the video here

By admin

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