Do you have these 2 dimples on your lower back?

Our bodies hide many surprises. For example, did you know that the small dimples that some humans have in their lower back are called “Venus holes”? They have been known as a symbol of beauty since the times of Michelangelo. The dimples are located on the lower back and look like two small circular holes.

Both women and men can have them.

Depending on whether you’re a woman or a man, they are called differently, “Venus Holes” for females or “Apollo Holes” for males.

They are found where the pelvic bone connects to the spine. There is no muscle or subcutaneous tissue there. The first to notice this phenomenon of anatomy was Miguel Ángel Buonarroti, who confirmed it in his sculptures. Pure genetics!

You can’t develop Venus holes – you were either born with them or you don’t have them at all. It’s about nature and genetics. It generally means Good blood circulation and a very improved sex life.

These cute holes are a sign of good blood circulation, thus facilitating orgasm.

good health

If the dimples are visible, this means that you are not overweight and can lead a healthy life.

Helps to lose weight

If you were born without the holes of Venus, they will not magically appear on your body. However, the extra fat usually hide them, so some people may discover their dimples when they lose weight!

By admin

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