PR Police Officer: “Don’t go out this Weekend”

Members of the Puerto Rico Police plan to carry out an organized strike to take time off from their work this coming Halloween weekend, in protest at the precarious working conditions to which they have been exposed as public workers.

The president of the United Front of Organized Police (FUPO), Diego Figueroa Torres, confirmed to the press that, according to an investigation carried out in all police areas, “there is a self-organized movement by the Police itself, to, in some way, make themselves be felt ”this coming weekend from October 29 to 31.

“They are emotionally exhausted by the number of broken promises by various government administrations. This situation of dignified retirement is what worries them the most ”, said Figueroa Torres.

The leader of the organization explained that after the cuts to retirement pensions, which have been reduced by half or even a quarter of what they were before, the pension for a person who has been 30 years in the Police force “does not exceed $ 700 or $ 800 a month and that is not enough to live on because the police officer who is now retiring does not have the social security. Apart from that, they do not have medical insurance either. “

Warning Video from a PR police officer:

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