Local Businesses stock up on “Anything” they can get their hands on

Although the traffic in the docks of Puerto Rico experiences an increase in the arrival of merchandise, the reality is that the Island is not exempt from the situation of the disruption in the supply chain that is experienced at a global level, but merchants in In their effort to maintain inventory in their establishments, have chosen to buy whatever is available to satisfy the tastes and needs of Puerto Ricans.

This was revealed yesterday by representatives of various associations, who recognized that the lack of products is a reality, which is evidenced by a lack of product in the gondola of 22%, a figure very similar to that experienced in a recovery process after an atmospheric disaster.

Clarivette Díaz, president of the Ship owners Association, as well as Hernán Ayala, vice president of the Luis Ayala Colón company, in charge of the operation of the San Juan Pier, assured that international and domestic ships continue to enter the Island, even with more cargo. as there are more ships in transit. 75% of the volume of merchandise that reaches the island is domestic and 25% international. Between 8,000 to 10,000 containers are being received weekly.

According to the executives locally, the same impact that is registered in the US will not be experienced, since the Island has a more dedicated service.

“Our advantage responds to the way in which the importation and distribution of products is composed. The domestic and international transportation lines are dedicated only to Puerto Rico. The maids leave directly from the port of Jacksonville and remain in transit for two to two and a half days. The international ones also have a direct service. Those that leave Canada remain in transit for seven days and those from Europe have a very similar delivery trend, ”said Díaz.

In the case of Ayala, he acknowledged that a certain shortage could be experienced in particular products, where household appliances and electronic items top the list.

Given these statements, Manuel Reyes, executive director of the Food Marketing, Industry and Distribution Chamber (MIDA), explained that he was aware that it is not necessarily a matter of transportation at the local level, but rather a shortage of raw materials, which makes a lot of production impossible.

He pointed out that there is a shortage of aluminum, boxes, food, household appliances and electronics, among others, so merchants have chosen, in order to meet the demand, to buy what is available and do so with the greatest time available.

“There is a shortage of products. The important thing is that you will not go hungry, because we are buying what is available to replace the missing gondola, a practice that is being carried out in all sectors. What we get we bring, ”Reyes said.

With this, Jesús Vázquez, president of the United Retailers Center (CUD) agrees, who also understands that it is time for the Island to request an exemption from the cabotage laws in order to solve the supply problem.

In a very similar sense, Iván Báez expressed himself, who affirmed that the merchandise is entering, but at a slower speed. “Manufacturing and production capacity is not keeping up with demand, which has created a shortage of products in shelves that limits the entry of an additional $ 600 million that could be sold. The problem is not Puerto Rico’s, it is global, ”he said at a time when he insisted once again on the need to eliminate the inventory tax.

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