Trump gives Puerto Rico response a PERFECT 10

POTUS, Donald Trump, today gave a “perfect 10” to the response and aid he has given to Puerto Rico after the impact of Hurricane Maria.

Todat At noon, the President received Governor Ricardo Rosselló in the Oval Office at the White House and noted the efforts his administration has made to support the island, devastated by the category 5 cyclone.

Trump highlighted the work of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Coast Guard, the National Guard, Military and many other federal agencies active in the island.

At the meeting, which was attended by the press, Trump was consulted on what score he gave to emergency aid and He did not hesitate to give a “perfect 10” to the response that the federal government is giving to Puerto Rico. “These people have worked very hard, “he added, staring at Brock Long, the FEMA chief on the ground who participated in the meeting.

Long said that in the past 50 days, about 4 million American citizens have been helped from the Virgin Islands to California, referring to the recent fires in that state and the destruction of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria.

By admin

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