NY Tourist Strangles Police officer at San Juan Airport

puerto rico airport fight

A tourist tried to strangle a Puerto Rico Police sergeant during an altercation at Terminal A (JetBlue) of the Luis Muñoz Marín International Airport.

According to the police’ report, Edwin García, a New York resident who was vacationing on the island, was in the terminal with a hostile and aggressive attitude towards other people, when Sergeant Marcelino Rosa Santana intervened with him.

When the sergeant arrived, García, according to the complaint, was standing on one of the terminal chairs shouting and cursing. At that moment, the agent approaches the tourist and he runs to one of the bathrooms in the terminal, which gives way for the sergeant to run towards him.

Later, when Rosa Santana reaches the bathroom, García hits him on the chest that caused the sergeant to fall to the ground and when the tourist manages to get up, he grabbed him by the neck and began to strangle him without letting go.

2 other agents arrived at the terminal at that time and managed to release the tourist from the sergeant, who was stunned and unconscious for several minutes due to shortness of breath.

Rosa Santana was transported to a Hospital in Carolina, where he received medical assistance and his condition was described as stable.

García remains in jail and will be charged with three counts of obstruction of justice and one count of attempted murder.

By admin

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