Puerto Rico to criminalize “revenge Porn”

Today, the House passed Bill 547 creating the “Law Against Revenge Porn.”

The piece criminalizes the disclosure and publication of any explicit material of an intimate nature and sets penalties.

The spokesman for the Popular Democratic Party (PPD) in the Chamber, Ángel Matos, took a turn on the request for his authorship and that it would now cross to the Senate.

“In the past two weeks within the multiple tragedies that the country has had to experience due to murders, the island has witnessed an audio preview of what a victim suffers when her ex-partner threatens her” said Matos, referring to the case of Andrea Ruiz Costas, who was murdered at the hands of her ex-partner.

He reiterated that no matter what is legislated “once again we are late.”

“Sadly I have to say that we were late because we filed this project in January 2017 and that since September 2018 it expired in the Rules and Calendar Commission of the past four-year period,” he said.

He anticipated that if the bill becomes law, there could be thousands of cases of revenge porn in the island.

By admin

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