NO BAIL for Félix Verdejo

Boxer Félix Verdejo will remain in the Guaynabo Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC), after Judge Camille Vélez Rivé refused to grant him bail, “due to the nature and circumstances of this case” related to the murder of Keishla Marlen Rodríguez Ortiz and her unborn baby.

Vélez Rivé accepted the request of the prosecutor Jonathan Gottfried, who requested the athlete’s arrest.

The athlete appeared this morning at the initial hearing, after surrendering to Federal authorities last night. The hearing was held virtually, after Verdejo allowed it to be held that way. Verdejo was at MDC.

During the hearing, the magistrate informed him of the charges against him: kidnapping that resulted in death, carjacking that resulted in death, and killing an unborn child. For each of the charges, he is exposed to life imprisonment, the death penalty, fines of up to $ 250,000 and five years of supervised release.

The magistrate indicated that since this is a case eligible for the death penalty, Verdejo has the right to have the court assign him lawyers who are experts in this punishment.

Vélez Rivé did not indicate the preliminary and bail hearing, because Laura Maldonado, who represents the athlete together with José Fernando Irizarry, asked him to name the expert lawyer in capital cases first. 4

The lawyer stated that she needs to communicate with the legal representative expert in death penalty cases prior to the preliminary hearing. Likewise, she said that she wants Verdejo to dialogue with the expert lawyer, prior to the hearing.

Maldonado indicated that her client waives the terms established for holding the preliminary hearing and bail, pending the appointment of the expert lawyer.

Prosecutor Gottfried objected to the court appointing an attorney for the panel on the grounds that Verdejo has the financial resources to pay for his defense.

To which Maldonado argued that if the court determines that the defendant has the economic resources, he can make a refund. However, she noted that the court has the discretion to assess the financial circumstances of the defendant.

The magistrate granted the Federal Public Defender’s Office until today at 5:30 p.m. submit the names of the capital punishment attorneys.

Irizarry was hired by the fighter. Meanwhile, Maldonado, who is a member of the Federal Court’s panel of lawyers, was assigned by the court.

The federal prosecutor’s office has 30 days to take the case before the grand jury. The grand jury is expected to sit in the next few days. If indicted by that panel, the preliminary hearing turns academic.

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