President Trump says he won’t attend Biden’s inauguration

President Donald Trump said Friday that he would not attend the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden, putting to rest any lingering questions about whether he would go.

“To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th,” Trump tweeted.

NBC News reported Thursday night that Vice President Mike Pence would likely attend the inauguration if invited, although a spokesman for Pence said Friday that Pence and second lady Karen Pence had not yet made a decision.

There have been only a handful of times in American history that an outgoing president did not attend the inauguration of his successor. John Adams, John Quincy Adams and Andrew Johnson all skipped the event, while Richard Nixon departed the White House after his resignation and did not attend Gerald Ford’s swearing-in.

It had been widely expected that Trump would not attend Biden’s swearing-in, but he had not announced such plans formally until Friday. Keep Reading>>

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