President Trump releases $13B to Rebuild Puerto Rico

donald trump puerto rico

(AP) – The Trump administration announced Friday that it would release nearly $13 billion in aid to Puerto Rico to help the island rebuild its electrical grid and repair schools from the devastation of Hurricane Maria three years earlier amid criticism that the assistance was overdue and being released now only for political purposes.

The grant comes as President Donald Trump, who has balked at providing assistance to the island territory, and former Vice President Joe Biden court voters in Florida, home to a large population of people from Puerto Rico — including many who fled Hurricane Maria. Florida is a critical swing state in the Nov. 3 election.

Puerto Rico Gov. Wanda Vázquez thanked Trump and the government for the grant, among the largest ever awarded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency for disaster relief. “Working as a team yields results,” she said in one of a series of tweets about the funds.

Rep. Nydia M. Velázquez, a New York Democrat, said the timing was notable, three years after the storm knocked out the territory’s problem-plagued electrical grid and caused the longest blackout in U.S. history.

“The Trump Administration delayed, dragged its feet and resisted allocating these badly needed funds,” said Velázquez, who was born in Puerto Rico. “Now, forty-six days before the election, the administration has finally seen fit to release these funds.”

Trump in the past has opposed providing additional aid to Puerto Rico, arguing it received too much already and expressing concern that the money would be wasted or misspent.

In the aftermath of the storm, he publicly feuded with the mayor of San Juan over her criticism of his administration’s response to the storm. Trump irritated many by tossing rolls of paper towels into a crowd during a visit to an island church. Democrats earlier this year posted an image of the scene on a billboard in Kissimmee, a heavily Puerto Rican city in central Florida.

Hurricane Maria slammed into the island in September 2017 with winds of 155 mph, causing an estimated $100 billion in damage and killing nearly 3,000 people, according to the official death toll that Trump said was exaggerated to make him look bad.

Even now, thousands of homes are still damaged.

Power wasn’t restored island-wide until nearly 11 months after the storm. The system remains vulnerable, with outages affecting tens of thousands of people on a regular basis.


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