Federal prosecutor Warns local Politicians

Federal prosecutor Rosa Emilia Rodríguez reaffirmed her warning that anyone who incurs in retention of supplies for the victims of Hurricane Maria will be criminally prosecuted.

When questioned about the complaints in social media of the alleged appropriation of supplies by the representative to the House Luis “Narmito” Ortiz Lugo, the Federal prosecutor affirmed that the full weight of the law will apply to any person regardless of political influence, status or position.

“I don’t know him and I do not know the facts. I do not think it would be proper to comment on that. We are not going to point fingers publicly in the matter. But, anyone who is keeping supplies should know already that it is a violation of federal and state law, “said Rodriguez.

“That has not changed (criminal prosecution) it remains the same situation. Yesterday there was a government official from a municipality who gave everything he had to deliver very fast and prevented us from having to accuse him. And I suspect that now there will be many more who may not want to keep the supplies after the investigation. But, definitely whatever info we get, will be investigated.

For a few days, a video has been circulating on social networks that allegedly claim Ortiz Lugo appropriated himself of some relief supplies and took them directly to his house. The representative has not given a public appearance or commentary at the time of this writing.

By admin

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