Over 200,000 Homes at Risk in Puerto Rico after Earthquakes

Nearly 200,000 homes in Puerto Rico built without the required permits are exposed to the consequences of the earthquakes that these days shake the Caribbean island, which on Monday suffered an earthquake of 5.8 degrees in the south and in the municipality of Guánica reached the level of 7.

The president of  Surveyors of Puerto Rico, Juan Alicea, told the press that it is estimated (unofficial figure) that on the island about 200,000 homes are built without going through the control of a professional, which means that in situations as earthquakes, they are more exposed to damage.

Alicea said that an earthquake of 5.8 is not something exceptional but that without a doubt you have to be prepared for the threat that earthquakes pose to Puerto Rico.

The engineer indicated that one of the main problems derives from the fact that many of these irregular buildings are built on fine columns on land that is sometimes not uniform, which further increases the possibility of a landslide in case of a tremor.

As for the rest of the constructions, Alicea clarified that all  houses built after 1987 are built, “theoretically”, with requirements that make it resistant to earthquakes, unless it is a very powerful one.

Alicea recalled that for years the College of Engineers and Surveyors of Puerto Rico works on recommendations to overcome events such as those experienced today.

By admin

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