FBI to evaluate Rosselló’s Telegram Chat

The federal prosecutor’s office will evaluate the report of the Bar Association revealed today in relation to the possible impeachment of Governor Ricardo Rosselló to determine if there are commission of federal crimes.

“When we receive the report, it will be evaluated, and if there are possible federal violations, they will refer to the corresponding ones,” said Lymarie Llovet, spokesman for the federal prosecutor’s office.

Llovet, spokeswoman for Rosa Emilia Rodríguez, could not specify what a referral from the federal prosecutor’s office implies, if it is something that would work internally in the United States Department of Justice in Puerto Rico, or if it would be a Washington-level division DC or other federal agency.
Today, the Bar Association announced that a report entrusted to a special committee of lawyers concluded that “there are sufficient legal bases for the House of Representatives to initiate an impeachment process against Governor Ricardo Rosselló Nevares.”

The College’s report states that the participation and involvement of the governor in chat conversations that are aimed at harming, oppressing, threatening or intimidating a person in the free exercise of a guaranteed right or privilege may be to constitute a violation of the federal crime of conspiracy, collected at 18 USC 241

The chat of the governor and his relatives includes expressions that have been interpreted as “marks” against the federal ex-monitor, Arnaldo Claudio, and by Senator Juan Dalmau, whose wife they wanted to take from their work in the government to give it to someone from the PNP party.

By admin

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