Woman in Fajardo cuts Husband’s penis

A woman from Fajardo, PR made a very deep cut to her husband’s penis in events that occurred at noon today,  in an apartment in the Villa Marina Village condominium in Fajardo.

According to the complaint, the events occurred at 12:41 p.m. in apartment 7B of the aforementioned condominium.

“The complaint was received through the 9-1-1 Emergency System as a case of domestic violence,” said Col. Juan Rodríguez Dávila, commander of the Fajardo police area, who confirmed that the alleged aggressor has been identified as the man’s wife.

The injured man, aged 26, was stabilized at the Caribbean Medical Center hospital in Fajardo where he was checked for bleeding and later transported to the Medical Center in Río Piedras.

The Domestic Violence Division of the Fajardo area is in charge of the investigation.

Initially, the incident was classified as a medical case. The woman allegedly traveled to Orlando, FL freely as an arrest warrant is not yet active. The man says “He still loves her”.

By admin

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