Head of La Fondita de Jesús: Applicants should make affordable housing their top priority

Head of La Fondita de Jesús: Applicants should make affordable housing their top priority


Governor candidates need to prioritize a strategic plan to enhance affordable housing as a proactive measure to tackle the escalating homelessness issue in Puerto Rico, said Josué Maysonet Colón, Executive Director of La Fondita de Jesús, on Thursday.

During the observance of World Homeless Day, Maysonet emphasized that housing needs to be regarded as a fundamental human right and that addressing the issues facing homeless individuals requires attention to their physical and mental well-being.

According to the 2024 Count, 2,096 homeless individuals were recorded in just one day, with estimates suggesting the total homeless population in Puerto Rico is around 5,000.

“What is particularly concerning is that nearly 25 percent of these individuals have been on the streets for over a year and, even worse, almost 60 percent are confronting homelessness for the first time,” Maysonet Colón remarked.

La Fondita de Jesús is among the organizations actively addressing the homelessness crisis on the island.

The situation has worsened due to a notable rise in the number of homeless women, a trend that has been increasing in recent years.

“It is truly heartbreaking to witness how both young individuals and the elderly, who are the most vulnerable, bear the brunt of this crisis,” Maysonet Colón stated. “Moreover, the increase in homeless women is an alarming development that requires immediate action.”

Another distressing reality is the influx of homeless individuals arriving on the island from the United States, as they perceive it to be easier to secure housing here. This movement is particularly notable from Florida, where since October 1, sleeping on the streets has been prohibited, risking arrest and even incarceration. If this trend persists, homelessness in the region is likely to deteriorate further, Maysonet Colón cautioned.

He emphasized the necessity of not only highlighting a crisis that is visibly growing but also developing structural solutions that prevent more people from falling into homelessness.

“The sole method to break this cycle is to establish affordable housing for those currently living on the streets and for those at risk of losing their homes,” Maysonet Colón asserted. “Housing must be regarded not as a luxury, but as an essential human right.”

The head of La Fondita further stated that simply providing shelter is insufficient.

“Access to physical and mental health services is crucial for those who have endured the severe circumstances of homelessness,” he remarked. “Many individuals living on the streets contend with chronic health issues and unaddressed mental health concerns. They cannot escape homelessness without proper resources to meet these needs.”

World Homeless Day serves as a reminder that prevention is essential.

“No one is immune to a crisis that could lead to losing their home. It can happen to anyone,” Maysonet Colón cautioned. “That’s why we urge our leaders to act responsibly, allocating funds and implementing public policies to address this issue. We cannot afford to keep turning a blind eye.”

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