Governor responds to fiscal board remarks regarding the sluggish utilization of federal funds.

Governor responds to fiscal board remarks regarding the sluggish utilization of federal funds.


This week, Gov. Pedro Pierluisi Urrutia spoke out against claims made by members of the Financial Oversight and Management Board regarding the allocation of federal funds designated for the aftermath of hurricanes Irma and Maria.

“The key issue is that unnecessary political discourse should be minimized; too many leaders are speaking without proper knowledge, lacking access to relevant data, making statements that get circulated and accepted as truth like propaganda from the days of Hitler,” the governor shared with the press on Wednesday. “That is simply unacceptable. They ought to be more professional and communicate based on verifiable data, which is the approach I favor and the way I addressed the board members to ensure they are well-informed.”

“Collectively, as a team, we have accomplished a lot during these four years, and now it is crucial for the populace to decide [who will succeed me] in the upcoming weeks,” he continued.

Robert Mujica, the executive director of the oversight board, revealed that the federal body established under the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act, or PROMESA, will take an active role in the restoration of the electrical infrastructure.

“Our responsibility will be to unite all stakeholders, establish what actions are necessary, and ensure those actions are implemented, collaborating with the government or any parties willing to assist, including the federal government,” Mujica stated.

Pierluisi pointed out that the oversight board, under Mujica’s leadership, has initiated meetings with all key participants regarding the “reconstruction of the electrical system.”

“The secretary of state [Omar Marrero Díaz] has attended two meetings, amongst others, and confirmed that the board will indeed become more proactive in this endeavor,” Pierluisi noted. “I told him that this is a collaborative effort. It’s not about criticizing from a distance; it requires involvement. Moreover, it’s not a case of someone showing up with a ‘magic bullet’, suggesting they have an instant solution without deeper analysis or thorough evaluation. As governor, I’ve fulfilled my duties, and my team has done theirs as well. …”

“A tremendous amount is underway,” the governor added. “The priority is to accelerate progress. I am referring specifically to the energy sector, as overall reconstruction is proceeding on schedule. Thus, if there’s any critique, I can understand it relates to the electrical system, because every blackout and fluctuation in service is frustrating for everyone involved.”

By admin

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