Video: Alleged UFO/UAP Sighting at El Yunque rainforest

**El Yunque, Puerto Rico** – In a surprising turn of events, an anonymous source reported witnessing an unidentified flying object (UFO) near the famous El Yunque National Forest. The incident occurred when a metallic disc-shaped object appeared, hovering over the lush rainforest before rapidly disappearing.

Eyewitness described the UFO as “metallic disc-shaped” and “moving in ways unlike any known aircraft.” One witness captured a photo and short video of the object, showing a metallic craft with strange lights emitting from its base. The image has since gone viral on social media, fueling speculation and excitement.

El Yunque has long been associated with paranormal phenomena, and this latest sighting has reignited interest in the area’s mysterious reputation. No official explanation has been provided.

The sighting remains under investigation by several ufo groups and enthusiasts.

By admin

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