Several New Outbreaks Threaten People’s Health

In the wake of hurricane Maria, medical staff and professionals from NeoMed Center, a corporation that provides primary and preventive health services, have noted an exponential increase in diseases such as conjunctivitis and human mange in shelters on eastern and northern Puerto Rico, as well as in patients who have visited their health centers.

“A multidisciplinary team of NeoMed Center is located in communities of the municipalities of Gurabo, Juncos, San Lorenzo, Aguas Buenas and Trujillo Alto visiting shelters weekly, neighborhoods, plots and distant areas and have seen the increase in cases of diseases such as conjunctivitis , impetigo and escabiasis “explained Rosa Castro, executive director of NeoMed Center.

“For example, in our clinic in Gurabo we have treated an average of 30 cases of conjunctivitis and about 100 cases in the Trujillo Alto clinic. These cases were reported to the Health Department for the corresponding action, “Castro said in a statement.

In turn, she specified that at the moment none of the NeoMed clinics has reported suspected cases of leptospirosis.

“In each shelter and community we visit, we offer medical and preventive services, prescription refills, care for bed-ridden patients , evaluation and education about oral care, among others,” she added.

On the other hand, she recalled that they are are delivering medicines and medical supplies donated by Direct Relief, Americares and the American Association of Industrial Hygienists, non-profit organizations that are supporting the Centers and the Association of Primary Health in these health efforts and prevention “informed Castro.

At each visit, the NeoMed medical staff offers preventive measures against infection of these and other outbreaks of diseases. Another call that the organization is making is for vaccination, with particular attention to influenza vaccines, tetanus and above all to keep the vaccination scheme for children and adults over 65 years of age updated.

“Vaccination efforts are important for the prevention of diseases, for the health care of the entire community. The vaccines offer protection against many very serious and deadly diseases and are safe, “said Castro.

NeoMed Center has health centers in the municipalities of Gurabo, Juncos, Aguas Buenas, Trujillo Alto and San Lorenzo.

They have 24-hour emergency room services in Gurabo and Trujillo Alto.

The organization also has pharmacy services located in the Gurabo and Trujillo Alto clinic, receiving prescriptions from patients of the Government Health reform.


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