Video: Caguas under High-Alert of Shootings

caguas video

After the murder of a woman and several wounded were reported on in Caguas last night, a violent shootout was reported in Caguas, Puerto Rico where police officers were also attacked. The municipality of Caguas remains on HIGH ALERT, as multiple shooting threats have been received in many areas. Citizens in the area witnessed shootings and even recorded video of the events.

In response to this, the police occupied the Morales neighborhood in Caguas after a “Gatillero” shot at agents.

The police activated search units to find a subject who shot at police officers who were raiding the place.

After having occupied the Morales neighborhood in Caguas since yesterday, police officers were shot by a subject, when they were preparing to carry out a raid on the place moments before. There are no reported injuries at the moment.

The Police are in a search operation for the subject who shot at them, while multiple units continue to occupy the place. Many areas in Caguas are on Lock-Down and citizens are advised to stay home.

Watch the video here (turn on audio):

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Similar video of shootings in Puerto Rico:

By admin

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