Caught on Video: Men remove Dead body from House

Police is asking for help to catch three men who were caught on a security camera video at the moment they removed the body of a murdered man from a house.

The crime victim is a 29-year-old man from St. Petersburg, FL who was shot to death last Wednesday during a drug deal in a Davenport neighborhood.

The Polk County Sheriff’s Office released video and images of the men they are looking for and trying to identify.

According to police officers, Xavier Antonio Johnson was renting a house through Airbnb and had been selling marijuana outside the home since April 8.

On April 13, three unknown men entered the house and shot the victim. As it was possible to reconstruct through the images of the security camera – which the men never noticed – at least one of the men was carrying a weapon.

In the 26-second video revealed by Sheriff Grady Judd, you can see how the three men – one of them with a beard and glasses – carry the victim through the door of the house, stopping for a few seconds to support the body on the ground and then continue walking with the man in tow.

At the moment, the police have not given more details about the case or where the victim was found.

Watch the video (Graphic Warning):

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