VIDEO: “Strange Light” seems to have caused the Explosion that left PR in the Dark

After the video of the security cameras of the Power generation plant in Costa Sur were made public, there are many who have raised the concern of what appears to be a “sabotage” in the event that caused a total blackout of Puerto Rico.

In the video, it appears to what seems to be a “Strange Light” that starts to move, from a distance to where the explosion occurs.

According to the analysts of the video, it is the same “light” that moves quickly towards the area where the explosion seems to start.

They are comparing the “light” with a type of Molotov cocktail, an allegation that until now has not been confirmed or denied by the authorities.

In an interview with FBI press officer Limary Cruz, she explained to the press that, although the agency does not deny or confirm ongoing investigations, the agency always cooperates in this type of situation with their resources.

Watch the video of the light here:

Touch Here to see the Video

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