USPS delivery times and prices will increase starting today

Starting today, the United States Postal Service will implement an adjustment plan that will result in an increase in mail delivery time and a subsequent price increase on some shipments.

The changes were announced last April, as part of an agency’s cost-cutting plan, which would also include cuts to some office service hours.

According to the plan, about 30% of correspondence could be affected by the changes, including correspondence to Puerto Rico.

Instead of three to five days, shipments that will travel long distances within the United States could take up to five days to arrive.

Instead, the expectation is maintained that correspondence sent to be delivered locally, without having to leave to another US jurisdiction, will be delivered in at least two days.

Meanwhile, from next Monday, October 3, until December 26, the Postal Service will increase prices for the Christmas season.

The increase in shipping costs will apply to commercial and domestic sales packages, while they will not affect international products.

By admin

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