Puerto Rico’s Tourists are getting more Violent

Tourists in Puerto Rico have become more violent recently, with the latest incident happening this weekend and being caught on camera. A group of Tourists in Puerto Rico’s Sheraton Hotel in San Juan (Miramar) were fighting while hotel security tries to calm them down and break up the fight. Chairs and tables were flying all over the hotel pool area… Watch the video here.

In other news, The Department of Justice filed charges last night against three tourists who allegedly swore that they would remain in quarantine for COVID-19 upon arrival in Puerto Rico, but were located during an operation in the La Perla neighborhood, in San Juan, by police officers and inspectors from the Department of Health.

The tourists were identified as Soneris Andrea Serrano Moya, of Puerto Rican origin and a resident of the state of Florida, as well as Mohamed Hamzan Hizam and Talita Saraí Carrillo, who are residents of New York and Chicago, respectively.

According to Justice, tourists face charges for violation of Article 6.14 of Law 20, section no. 1. for violation of the Executive Order and the fourth section of the Executive Order on individual precautionary measures.

“Both Serrano Moya and Hamzan Hizam and Carrillo swore in the document that they would remain in quarantine for fourteen days. However, inspectors from the Department of Health together with agents from the Puerto Rico Police intervened with them at a La Perla location during the quarantine period that they had to comply with in the place where they reported in the Traveler Declaration. This act constitutes a serious crime. They could also face two additional less serious charges for breaking the curfew and not wearing the mask, “said the designated Secretary of Justice, Domingo Emanuelli, in a press release.

It was reported that Judge Iraida Rodríguez of the San Juan Court found cause in all the charges against the three defendants and ordered the arrest of Hamzan Hizam and Carrillo, to whom she set a bond of $ 25,000. Meanwhile, Serrano Moya was set a $ 10,000 bond.

Serrano Moya was arrested night by health inspectors and police agents, while Hamzan Hizam and Carrillo were charged in absentia.

The three tourists could face a fixed sentence of three years in prison for violation of Article 212 of the Penal Code.

The arrest of the tourists comes as authorities seek to deal with recent violent incidents involving visitors in Condado and other tourist areas in San Juan and Carolina.

By admin

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