US scrambles Bombers near North Korea

US bombers and fighter jets from Japan and South Korea overflew the Korean peninsula on Tuesday night, the first combined night air exercise between the three countries’ air forces.

According to military sources from Washington and Seoul, warplanes flew over waters off the eastern coast of the peninsula and carried out ground-based missile launch simulations.
In the operation, according to the sources, two strategic B-1B bombers and four combat aircraft, two F-15Ks from South Korea and two F-15s from Japan participated.

“This is a clear demonstration of our ability to conduct non-stop operations with all our allies anytime, anywhere,” said Major Patrick Applegate of the US Air Operations Center 613.
The military exercise took place on the night of the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the North Korean Workers ‘Party, which, contrary to some experts’ predictions, passed without the launching of any missiles by Pyongyang.

Second operation
This Tuesday was the second US military operation on the Korean peninsula in less than three weeks.

After the exercises, North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong-ho said at the UN that the US president was carrying out a “suicide mission”.
Ri called Donald Trump “mentally upset” and “full of megalomania,” and that his insults to Kim Jong Un were an “irreversible mistake that made it inevitable” that the North Korean rockets hit the mainland of the United States.

White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee said Tuesday that Trump was briefed by her national security team on “a number of options” to respond to North Korean threats in the face of possible aggression.

By admin

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