Influx of Puerto Ricans in FL may not turn the tide for the midterms

(CNN) – While politicians in Florida court Puerto Ricans who fled to the Sunshine State in the wake of Hurricane Maria last year, experts who spoke with CNN say it’s uncertain what impact they will have on the midterm elections.

Thousands of Puerto Ricans have resettled in Florida since Hurricane Maria ravaged the island last September, although the exact number is difficult to determine. Hispanic voter registration has increased by more than 100,000 voters since the 2016 election, although it is unclear how many of those are Puerto Ricans. The Florida Division of Elections told CNN it does not have specific statistics on Puerto Rican voters.
What is less clear is if and how Puerto Ricans who have resettled in Florida will vote in Florida’s primary election on Tuesday and then in the general election in November.
Experts who spoke with CNN laid out several obstacles for Puerto Ricans to get involved in politics in the continental US.
Nancy Batista, the Florida state director of Mi Familia Vota, a civic engagement organization focused on issues affecting the Latino community, said some have been hesitant to register to vote because of distrust of the political system in Puerto Rico. Continue Reading>>

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