Zombies in Puerto Rico? New Drug on the Streets

Locals are confirming the presence and distribution of a new type of drug that makes it’s users turn zombie-like. Allegedly, the drugs are Bath Salts , Flakka or a close variation.

Similar drugs are being distributed in Colombia, as evidenced by the video below:

Bath salts are a synthetic crystalline drug that is prevalent in the US. While they may sound harmless, they certainly aren’t the sort of salts you drop into a warm bath when having a relaxing night in. They are most similar to mephedrone, and have recently been featured throughout social media due to the ‘zombification’ of its users.

The name comes from the fact that the drug was originally sold online, and widely disguised as bath salts. The side effects include unusual psychiatric behaviour, psychosis, panic attacks and violent behaviour, as well as the possibility of a heart attack and an elevated body temperature.

By admin

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